Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I've been thinking about this entry for over a week, and I've started to write a multitude of times and finally today, I think it's time. I've written in my blogs a few times about the DD's in my neighborhood, well I have been able to establish pretty significant relationships with some of them. I've also been able to establish a form of trust with them and an understanding that dealing against the church building is unacceptable. I love these kids with everything in me, a couple of weeks ago I couldn't sleep and I really felt like I should go to the church, so I came and I just spent some time in the sanctuary praying.

As I was leaving I heard, "Hey Miz Colleen, you're not even going to acknowledge us," in my head I was thinking about how it was the wee hours of the morning and I should just get in safe car and go home, but in my heart I knew I had to acknowledge these boys. Boy am I ever glad I did, I had the opportunity to tell them about the hope I have in them and how much I believe in them, even when they don't believe in themselves or have hope in themselves that I did. It was such a great conversation and I was really taken aback by the words that God had given me to reach these boys.

Well fast forward to last week and one of the boys who I had this conversation with came running up to me and told me that he believed in hope, and that he thought he was finding hope within himself and he was so excited about getting his GED and attempting to get out of the dealing. I have so much hope in this young man, I desire nothing more than for him to succeed. Would you join me in praying for "J"?

I have challenged him to join us at Charm City for our Teen program, I've referred him to Coil, and I've told him that if he's willing to do the work we've got an entire body of people ready to love and support him. I am so excited about the potential this young man has!

Thanks for praying with me!

1 comment:

mpm said...

That is tremendous!