Sunday, November 4, 2007

DCCentral Kitchen

Goodmorning! I feel like I should be updating this more, but these days I'm spending less and less time sitting at the computer working and more time out networking and doing footwork. Friday morning four of us piled into one of the vans at 7:00 a.m. yes 7:00 a.m. and drove in the middle of DC/Baltimore traffic to the DC Central Kitchen (, this place is amazing, basically they take homeless, just out of prison, just out of detox people who are in a transitional phase in their life and put them through a 13 week intense training, which includes culinary training. At the end of the class they are trained enough that they could essentially go out into the "real" world and get a job working as a chef. But that's not really the importance of the program.

Robert Eggar started the program when he realized that it's great to help the homeless or less fortunate by feeding them, but what are we doing as a society too get them off the streets? So he started this program which allows them to be empowered and encouraged. It's someting we really want to mimick in Baltimore. Check it out, let me know if you might be interested in heading down to volunteer with us for a day!


The lady of the house... said...

Colleen!!! I've heard delightful things about you! I'll have to say that I am extremely jealous of the AWESOME time you're going to have this weekend! DRINK IT UP!! If Vickie is your friend, you are blessed! Isn't she the best?? Please just randomly give her a hug and say it's from me, would you do that?? I believe you're celebrating your life this weekend! What better way to spend your time?? MAY ALL GOOD THINGS BE YOURS TODAY! My home is open if you're ever in the Lancaster area! Sincerely, Janelle

The lady of the house... said...

oh, that's embarassing! sorry about that!! Hello to Kimberly as well. I did wonder when I saw your age on your profile...I thought, "what a cool way to celebrate your 28th birthday!!" HA HA! Thanks for visiting my site and that invite is still open, a friend of Vickie's is a friend of mine...

mpm said...

Mmm...I love DC Central Kitchen!

Anonymous said...

iI am aproduct of dc central kitchen,now I am in college studing to be a addiction couselor,I should be graduating in december,if there is anything i could help you with please let me know I also worked for the kitchen in the outreach department.