Thursday, March 6, 2008

I dream of...

"...a time when my whole family can be together again."-1st grader
"...of being a doctor." -Fifth Grader
"...the day my daddy comes home." -a fourth grader
"...graduating high school." -a teenager

Just when I thought I had heard it mind was blown once again. Last night we hosted from "Junk to Jesus," with guest speaker Mike Weber author of "From Junk to Jesus," founder of In the Blink of an Eye Ministries, ( and a dear friend of mine, came and shared his personal testimony. The kids were amazing, they asked good, thought provoking questions, they listened intently, most of them even thanked him at the end. I've been amazed by their behaviors the past few weeks. During the presentation Mike discussed what some of his dreams were and how he'd missed opportunities because of some of the choices he'd made in life, Pastor Mike decided at the end to ask some of the kids about their dreams, when some of the kids responded I had to literally hold back the tears.

Pastor Mike gave an invitation for anyone who was feeling burdened or who needed to pray last night the kids who were brave enough to come to the front had real, heartfelt prayer needs, one little girl prayed for her imprisoned father, one little boy prayed for his family to be together again, one teen girl prayed for hope and love, one little boy prayed for God to take over his life, it's times like last night that even at the end when I'm exhausted and worn out, it's all worth it.

These past couple of weeks have been extremely busy, we had a missions team in from Lancaster who did a ton of work, including painting all of the classrooms upstairs so now we can actually utilize them and tearing down a wall that seperated two classrooms down stairs so now the groups can split into even smaller groups. We've also been preparing for Adopt-A-Block which kicks off this Saturday at 10 a.m., planning summer missions events, planning the block party which will take place on June 21st, meeting with YWAM to see if there is a potential summer partnership and setting up a computer lab in which computer classes will begin in a matter of weeks.

I also feel like another milestone was reached with my teenagers, both the boys and the girls, a few weeks ago, I took a couple of them to a leadership event sponsored by BUILD (Baltimoreans United In Leadership Development) and then we hung out had lunch and helped put togetether the computer lab with Chris, it was such a bonding moment with them, and later they told me the highlight of their day was having lunch (at Subway a place that most of could go to whenever we want) and learning how to set-up computers. On the girl side of things we've been talking about purpose and the purpose we feel God has for our lives, they've been so excited to share some of the purposes they feel God has for their lives, but they take it even further and they share their hearts! We never actually make it through an actual Bible Study because they get side tracked, however I'm not complaining...I love it that they've finally decided I'm worthy of hearing their stories, they're opening of chapters of their lives and pouring them out to me, the good, the bad, the sad, the heartbreaking. These once again are the moments why this is all worth it.

There are a few things you can keep in prayer:
1. Church Finances, we're in the process of purchasing our building and we really just need to pray for God to send us the finances.
2. Workers we're still in need of a few more people to join us a leaders on Wednesday evening.
3. For the kids that they'll continue to feel loved and be loved.
4. That God will continue to open doors and allow opportunities for us to show His Love

Thanks for your love and support!

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