Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Building Bridges, Samuel F.B. Morse and Teen Night

Before I even begin to update I must apologize, that it's been almost a month since I have updated. I started school, again last month and it took me a while to adjust to being in school, doing ministry and juggling my two nanny jobs! So I am back now and will do my best to keep regular updates posted!

Building Bridges
Saturday April 25th, marks the first ever Charm City/Grace Community Church Building Bridges partnership. I am so excited as there will be three significant projects taking place, including a community clean-up (cleaning several blocks around the church, and the elementary school, a Spring Clothing give-away and finally a painting project at Samuel F.B. Morse)! This is going to be an exciting time as we begin our summer theme (Community/Unity) a little early, our whole theme for the summer is uniting our community with The Church. But not only that it's a chance for people from Grace (my home church) to see what it is that they support on a monthly basis, through their missionary support, volunteers hours and other various ways they support me/the ministry here. If you're interested in getting involved in what's going on that day please feel free to contact me, or check out this link: http://www.uservecentral.com/TasteGrace_BuildingBridges.html!

Samuel F.B. Morse
Recently a partnership has been established with the local elementary school in our neighborhood, for me this is HUGE, not only because this is something that I have been dreaming and praying about, but because this is something that they've been hoping and praying for as well, and well since I'm back in school getting my elementary ed degree, it'll be a great resource for observations and student teaching and finally about half of my elementary school kids attend classes there! When I met with the mentor Principal, she couldn't have been more excited about what was about to happen there. It's already started with a few donations, we'll be painting their cafeteria next weekend and finally this summer we'll be hosting up to 40 of their kids for a summer school after-school program. This is just the beginning of what I feel will be a long lasting partnership.

Another reason why I am so excited about this partnership, is because I mentioned a few blogs back about how hard it is to find hope in the neighborhood. This is one of those places, where hope can be found. There are people in this building who work hours upon hours to give these kids hope, there are several principals who are working to give these kids a better education. When I walk through the door, I see a gloomy place filled with life and hope. I can't wait to be spending more time there.

Teen Night
This past weekend was our 2nd teen night, the teens meet two Fridays a month from 9-midnight, it's a safe place for them to be off the streets for a few hours. We give them a dose of God's love, break into small groups, feed them, and have open rec time. The first Friday we had 40 kids there, half of whom we'd never meet before and three of them are continuing to come on Wednesdays and at least one of them attended both Sunday school and Church on Sunday. It's been so much fun, to get to know these kids, get to know new volunteers and to spend time with the teenagers in a more relaxed atmosphere. I am excited to see what God is going to continue to do with this program.

-Pastor Mike and Ms. Karen Kidney Transplant May 12th, please keep them in prayer as they continue to prepare for this journey. The recovery time will be difficult for both of them.
-Please continue to keep our neighborhood in prayer as it has recently been revealed this could be one of the most violent summers within the last 10 years.
-We're continuing to pray for God to send laborers. We're still in need of several volunteers to be able to grow our program.
-We're praying for the weekend of the 25th/26th Building Bridges/MetroKidz Sunday all in one busy weekend!
-I'm still praying about summer support raising!

Thanks for joining us in prayer and supporting what we're doing!

Photo: One of our kids listening to a visiting Missions Team lead worship and Local Pastor Tally Wilgis!

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