Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tuesday Night Prayer, exciting news and October!

Every Tuesday night a group of us gets together at the church and prays, we pray for everything our program, our people, the people we are (and are trying too) reach, personal requests everything under the sun. Some nights it'll just be a small group of regulars while other nights some people wander in off the street and join us. A few weeks ago "M" wandered in, he was a man who was addicted to alcohol and a few other things, he broke my heart, I had actually met him the Friday before and when I met him then he could barely function. When he came in really disrup prayer, but while Bruce was praying for this man he was convicted of something he had done and he made it right. I've been praying for this specific man everyday I can only hope that something changes in him for the Longterm.

So I finally got my meeting with our district commander yesterday and it was awesome, I felt like if anyone is going to get something done in our neighborhood, it'll be him and the Neighborhood Services Director. Honestly this is the first time that I have had a meeting at the Police Department and I've felt like I have been heard and encouraged. I promised them that I would be holding them accountable for the things they've said that they would do. So we shall see, but I am hoping and praying that finally things will be looking up for us!

So last night we had our COR meeting and I realized this month is packed with loads of fun stuff! Which means there are MANY opportunities for YOU to help out, below I have a wish list of things we need for our Fall Fest, if you're interested in donating something or helping out please contact me at There are also many other exciting things going in this month so if you'd like more details please let me know as well.

We're looking for a few good volunteers to help up with our Metro Kidz Fall Festival on October 29th! You can either join us the night of the event and help with various activities or donate some of the items on our fall festival wish list! The event will start at 7 p.m. but a few people who could come early to help set-up would be good and we always meet at 6:30 for prayer! We should be cleaned up at out the door no LATER than 9:30 p.m.

The Wish List Includes:
Bags of Candy (individually wrapped)
Mini Pumpkins
Bails of Hay
Apples and Buckets for Apple Bobbing
Any other fall themed decorations you might have lying around you might want to let us borrow :)!

Thanks friends!

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